WHA members meeting – January 2018: Sign up now!

WHA members meeting – January 2018: Sign up now!

The January 2018 WHA Members Meeting has now been finalised in combination with the REA’s other bioenergy sector groups.


Wednesday 24th January 2018.


Osborne Clark, One London Wall, London EC2Y 5EB


10.00 – 10.30: Registration
10.30 – 11.30: WHA members meeting
11.30 – 13.00: Joint members meeting with REA bioenergy sector groups
13.00 – 13.30: Lunch and Networking

The draft agenda is available here. If you are an REA member and receive newsletters from several sector groups, you can book on here (by logging in with your email & password). If you only are a member of the WHA, please book your place by  the events team. 

Are you considering becoming a WHA member, then please contact the membership team, as potential members can attend one members’ meeting for free.