REA Bioenergy Sector Day – Heat Focus – 19 February 2020
REA Bioenergy Sector Day – Heat Focus
The next REA Bioenergy Members Forum will take place on the 19th February in London at MHA Macintyre Hudson. However, following member’s feedback, we shall be running the day differently to previous Bioenergy Days with a focus on particular themes rather than technologies.
As such, the morning session of the day shall include a member’s discussion around Bioenergy’s role in Heat. The intention is to provide a wide forum for a number of Bioenergy technologies to discuss the focus for heat policy in 2020 and inform the REAs approach to upcoming consultations on the decarbonisation roadmap expected later this year.
The afternoon session shall focus on the role bioenergy should have within the bioeconomy, exploring the links and opportunities bioenergy provides to the UK agriculture and forestry sectors.
Further details about the event will be circulated very shortly.
Dates and times
- Wednesday 19 February 2020
- Registration with Tea & Coffee 09:30 – 10:00
- Meeting concludes 16:00
Online bookings – click here
MHA Macintyre Hudson, 2 London Wall, Barbican, London EC2Y 5AU
Theme 1: Bioenergy’s Role in Heat 10.00 – 13.00
Heat decarbonisation is expected to be a major theme in 2020, with Government currently working on their Heat Decarbonisation Road Map due to be published in the summer. There is also expected to be a number of consultations coming up in reference to the formal closing of the RHI to new applicants in 2021, proposals for what will replace the scheme and ongoing discussions around how building regulations can deliver a future homes standard. It remains important that the role of bioenergy is recognised within these plans and are continued to be supported.
The REA has members involved in a number of bioenergy technologies looking at heat including biomass heat, biogas, biofuels and energy from waste. The session will start with context setting, providing an update on developments in heat policy, exploring some of the Governments focus areas and then move onto number of short presentation that set out the potential for different technologies to contribute to heat decarbonisation. This will be followed by a workshop discussion on the REA’s approach to heat policy in 2020, ensuring that all bioenergy technologies remain supported.
Theme 2: Bioenergy and the Bioeconomy: Opportunities for the Agriculture and Forestry Sectors
Following the REA’s Bioenergy strategy last year, which focused on the importance of the technology, we now wish to develop further the messaging around bioenergy to ensure Government understand the economic and environmental case for why supporting bioenergy is good for the agriculture and forestry sector.
This work stream builds on the Committee on Climate Change’s recent land use report which made clear that domestic growth of bioenergy feedstocks is both desirable and necessary for reducing emissions from land. The REA are looking to develop a report, outlying the value that bioenergy provides to the UK Bioeconomy. This session sets out an initial round table discussion in order to inform the structure and focus of the report.
Click here for the full Bioenergy Heat Sector Day Agenda